The new executive office building for this 140 year old financial institution is located in the Borough of Ambler.  This building provides 28,000 sf of space for modern banking amenities, community displays and office space.  The ground floor of the building is constructed to be above street level to providing protection from potential flooding.  Access into the building is provided for handicap patrons through of a ramp and elevator lift that are located adjacent to East Butler Avenue.  Loan offices and a branch bank exist on the ground floor for public use and student artworks from local schools are highlighted in display cases.  Executive and administration offices are located on the second and third floor which are also accessible by elevator. Art pieces displayed on the upper floors are provided by local artists.  The color pallet of the building exterior references the neighboring buildings in Ambler. Intricate brick and stone work is used to break up the exterior while providing a rhythm that is pleasing to the eye.  A roof screen hides the mechanical units and building generators.

Sustainable features include a green roof over the drive through canopy and occupancy sensors to control electric lighting.  Also, the use of glass walls and doors within the building help a significant amount of secondary natural lighting to penetrate further into the building.